Best tips to get advertiser for your blog

Selling advertising deals is one of the most profitable ways to monetize your blog. The most difficult part of the process, however, is to actually find the advertisers.

Here are some simple steps that may help you to get advertisers for your blog or website:

Blog Advertiser

Let Advertiser Know You Are Interested

1. Put an "Advertise" link on the menu bar
If you have a navigation menu bar, you could include an "Advertise" link there, making it point to a page where you describe the advertising options of your site. This link will help you in two different ways. First of all it will allow interested companies to quickly find the page where you display your advertising information. Secondly, it will also let all visitors know that you do accept advertising deals :)

2. Use an "Advertise Here" banner as placeholder
If you have unsold ad spots, you could include an "Advertise Here" banner as a placeholder on one of them. This banner will act just like the "Advertise" link on the navigation menu, but it might be more effective because it will show potential advertisers exactly where their ads will be displayed. Just make sure to not use an "Advertise Here" placeholder on all of your unsold spots, as this would send a negative message to advertisers (i.e.- no one is buying any ads on your site, so why should they?).

Make It Easy for Your Advertiser

Advertisers are busy individuals. They have ads they need to place, but they usually want specific criteria to be met prior to placement.  This is where your metrics come in handy!  Put your blog information in your "Advertise" page for advertisers to easily find.

You can find most of the metrics you want to include on Google Analytics (Visitors, Pageviews, Time on Site, Bounce Rate). You should also include your Google PageRank or SEOmoz Rank. Finally, if you have a lot of subscribers, followers, or fans, make sure you highlight that also.

Joining Ad Networks

If you can find companies that are already spending money on online advertising, your job will be halfway done. Advertising networks represent an excellent opportunity to do this.

1. (my choice)
Just by visiting the homepage of this ad network you’ll be able to see a list of "Sample Advertisers". Most of those are big online spenders. After that you can also check the publishers listed on the directory. Just click to visit the homepage of each site, and check what companies bought banners there. You’ll be able to find hundreds of potential sponsors.

2. Other Options
You can not simply bypass the other options out there. The main other options includes:

 - AdSense
 - Amazon Affiliates
 - Affiliate Links (Commission Junction and FlexOffers)
 - Dynamic Text Links (InfoLinks and Kontera)

From the Editor

The most important thing is to satisfy your advertisers as well as you can. If you cannot satisfy your advertisers well, they will surely leave you for other publishers. ;)

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  1. Yay..!! This is really nice for those blogger who want to earn from their blog like me...

    I like to get approve from buysellads, but it so sad because I tried so many times to applied in buysellads but nothing happened to get approve.. :-(

    Thats why I intend to run a Direct Advertisement to earn from my Blog.

    Thank you for posting and sharing this...

    -JayRyan- of

  2. Getting approved by BSA is Hard then Adsense

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