Reduce HTTP requests and speed up your site loading- Quick tip

When a visitor is opening your website or blog, every images or scripts will require a round trip to the server. Those HTTP requests will delay the response time of your site, and if you are loading dozens of objects this delay can add up to several seconds.

Loading Speed
The first step to reduce the delay from HTTP requests is to reduce the number of objects on your website. Get rid of unnecessary images, styling features and the scripts. If possible you can also combine 2 or more  images into a single one.

Secondly make sure that your requests for external files or scripts are combined in a single location. For example instead of using three CSS files to create the layout of your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

You should use a single one with all the information:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

If you want to speed up your website or blog loading you must reduce your HTTP requests. Even Google sayes to reduce HTTP requests. I hope you understand. Smile :)


  1. Nice post. But why someone would use external stylesheet in blogger? :P

  2. For HTML and CSS validations :D

  3. but how can we add external css file into blogger blog my blog is but it is slow

    1. Dude, thats easy. For that, simply locate / b : skin in your blog (no spaces) Copy all the CSS codes and upload it on your server or somewhere else. Now, write the following line above it:

      < link rel= "stylesheet" type= "text/css" href= "YOUR-LINK" >

      Remove spaces before link, "stylesheet", "text/css" and "YOUR-LINK" and the last >


  4. or we can use lazy load scrpt as i used in my blog

    1. JQuery lazy load scrpt only delay your Image loading not reduce HTTP requests. Smile :)

  5. The first thing every webmaster or an expert should be conscious about is he speed of your blog or website. In this scenario your post is really impressive and informative to understand the basic things which can reduce our website or blog's speed. Your suggestions are work-able and important to fix this issue.

  6. so where to upload stylesheet?
    if we upload stylesheet on various servers it will get very slow to open..

    1. Many bloggers get plugins/widgets from many sources. They upload styles and scripts on own server with own links. So, Blog loads slower for many HTTP requests. I just told to make them one and reduce HTTP request.
