How you can make your Blog successful?

Starting a Blog become easy and common now, every one making a Blog with ease and writing on it. Building a Blog is not a problem but, making a 'Successful Blog' might become a problem. Today I have some tips for you to make your Blog successful. You might already know some of them, then you should apply them properly in your blog.

Success Graphic


If you offer well written, original, easy to understand information, spiced up with good imagery then the chances of getting quality links, social media exposure and high spots in SERPs are bigger. Content is the King! you know.

Basic SEO

You don't have to be a SEO expert to rank your site high on Google search. Just several things to remember here:

 - Include meta title tags
 - Optimal and natural usage of keywords
 - Provide good article titles
 - Proper usage of Heading tags
 - Include sitemap
 - Use Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics to gain insight on what works for you and what's not
 - Always avoid duplicate contents
 * Read the Google SEO Starter Guide


You want more and more visitors on your website, and you want them to stick with it more often. Except offering quality content you'll need some good looking unique design for your Blog. If you're serious about your Blog, Pay someone to design your Blog for you. It doesn't need to be very expensive, a simple, pretty enough, and unique look would be good for you.


What ever you do, you have to be more innovative, original, have a better design, better content than your competitors. Simply try to beat the competition. Use them to learn what works for them, and what doesn’t.


Promote your site whenever you have a chance to do it, but do not exaggerate (don't be a spammer). Also several things to remember here:

 - Use Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or any other social platform popular at the moment
 - Comment on other blogs related to your niche
 - Guest post frequently on well established blogs
 - Pay for ads if you really have to

This will certainly lead to significant exposure of your site.


Make your site load fast as much as possible. This is important from two aspects: user experience and a SEO factor. Several things to remember:

 - Use good server
 - Optimize your codes
 - Use Image sprites
 - Use tools such as Google Speed, YSlow, Web Page Test, Pingdom
 - Avoid redirects

Read in details what Google and Yahoo have to say about it.


Capture e-mail addresses and get people to subscribe to your Blog feed early. Two-three years from now (if you're good) you might have 50k email list and 50k RSS Subcribers. And that will become a big valuable asset. Trust me.


It is time to gather the fruits of your labor. I'll suggest don't do it early. Wait some time until your blog get on the track. There are basically three main methods to get money out of your Blog:

 - Placing ADS (CPC, CPM, CPA, CPV). Basically you need click, page view, action or video view in order to get paid.
 - Promoting affiliate products.
 - Selling you own products (ebooks, membership websites, services - design, coding, coaching, etc).

From the Editor

The most important tip would be that you do your experiments with everything I said above and come to your own conclusions about what works for you. Smile :)


  1. And Confidence too! :D Keep confidence!


  2. You are absolutely right that "Building a Blog is not a problem but, making a 'Successful Blog' might become a problem". There are billions of blogs but only few are successful because their webmasters do hard-work to get good ranking position in SERP. In this scenario your shared points and tips are very helpful to be successful blogger and to get good ranking positions in search engines.

  3. Blogging is very technical thing and it is not very easy as people take it. To be successful in blogging you have to work very hard and should post on daily basis. When you start posting you should keep in mind that you can't get benefits from post if you are not making it attractive and for this purpose you should make some headlines, points and should insert some attractive images regarding your post. In this way you can make your blog more successful.

  4. Great job! These tips are really useful & very informative. Thank you for sharing..

  5. besides doing seo and online promotion, once when good blogs also promoted offline
